• NOVEMBER 20, 2013
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    No boats bought under Indonesian buy-back policy, says Angus Campbell

      The head of the government’s border protection regime has admitted Australia has not bought a single boat under the Coalition’s controversial Indonesian boat buy-back policy. After repeated refusals by the Abbott government to reveal the status of the widely ridiculed policy, announced in the heat of the election campaign, Lieutenant-General Angus Campbell finally revealed

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    • FEBRUARY 2, 2015
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    Nipa Island’s Berth Can Accommodate 50 Thousand –Ton Vessels

    Nipa Island located nearby Singapore and international shipping routes opens economic opportunities. “We want to utilize this strategic position for our economy. However, we should also build Nipa for our outermost defense function,” said President Susilo bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) when visiting Nipa Island in 2012. 29 hectares of Nipa Island will be used for economic

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    • JUNE 11, 2013
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    Nine Somali Pirates Sentenced to 5 Years Each in Kenya

      MOMBASA, Kenya – A Kenyan court sentenced nine Somali citizens each to five years in prison on Monday after finding them guilty of violently hijacking a vessel, MV Magellan Star, in the Gulf of Aden in September 2010. The nine were captured by international anti-piracy forces before being handed over to Kenya to be

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    • SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
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    Nilai Pencurian Ikan Capai Rp 225 Triliun

    JAKARTA. Pencurian ikan lewat alih muatan ikan atau transshipment antara kapal di atas perairan menjadi momok bagi sektor perikanan dalam negeri. Minimnya pengawasan di laut menjadikan kegiatan tersebut sulit dibendung, akibatnya pasokan ikan dalam negeri berkurang. Wakil Ketua Umum Kadin bidang Kelautan dan Perikanan Yugi Prayanto bilang, selain transshipment, potensi kehilangan pendapatan negara akibat penangkapan

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