Port Prime
AISSAT PORT PRIME is our service which gives an access to monitor position of every vessel around ports area with range around 30 nautical mile from each port. This service has a highly user-friendly web-based map view as well as AIS information and also interactive basic features such as vessel search and tracking feature.

Key Features
- User-friendly web-based map view
- Vessel search feature
- Tracking vessel feature
- Data statistic for every port
- Interactive distance measurement feature
- Client selected vessel with geo fence and alert features
- Export record data into csv format
- No more equipment installation for vessels that meet SOLAS Chapter V
- No software installation on client side
- With user-friendly web-based map view, client use the application easily without learn specific knowledge.
- Client can get detail information of a vessel such as MMSI number, IMO number, ship name, ship type, course, speed, destination and many more based on AIS data.
- Not only monitoring client vessels, every vessel around port area can be monitored too.
Clients Profile
Commonly, our clients who used this kind of service are:
- The government, who needs to monitor the vessels at the port. It could be for safety and security reason, law enforcement, or even as a part of implementation in domain maritime awareness
- Shipping contractor, like bunkering service, or food and beverages suppliers who need to supply their product to any vessels near the port. Through this system, suppliers are able to monitor when the vessels are approaching the port, so the supplier could serve the client faster and give a better service
- Fleet manager also could use this system to monitor how bad the queue in a port. So the manager could chose the route to the most efficient one
To get this service, you may just fill the trial or registration form then our customer support will guide you to get registered. Once you are registered with this service, we will give you a username and password to access the information to the application. So you could access the application directly with a browser from your computer at home or your office.