M2 Prime
Sometimes, knowing the position of a vessel is not enough. You could be needs the information from the vessel just like what presented on the dashboard, such as fuel, engine, or other parameters in a vessel. AISSAT M2 Prime would help you provide the solution.

Key Feature
- Highly user-friendly web-based map view
- World-wide range covered area monitoring
- Tracking vessel feature
- Statistic data reporting feature
- Client customized data monitoring system
- Export record data into csv format
- Geo fence and alert features
- World-wide range covered area monitoring giving client no area limitation to monitor client own vessels around the world.
- With highly user-friendly web-based map view, client use the application easily without learn specific knowledge.
- It is just like copying the dashboard in the vessel to your PC. So you could monitor the position of the vessel and simultaneously the parameters on its dashboard. Even you could add more sensors to the system, so you can get more parameters.
Clients Profile
Commonly, our clients who used this service are fleet manager, ship owners, or every related institution who need to monitor the behavior of the crew of a vessel. It will be very effective to detect any abuse or illegal activity in a vessel operation made by the crew. To get this service, you may just fill the contact form. Our sales will contact you soon to gather your requirement and offer the solution to meet your requirement.