• APRIL 21, 2014
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    Pertamina to have two more oil tankers

    Jakarta (ANTARA News) – State-owned oil company Pertamina will have two more oil tankers now being under a final construction stage at state-owned shipbuilding company PT PAL, a Pertamina executive said. Pertaminas Communications Vice President Ali Mundakir said here on Sunday the two tankers were named MT Pagerungan and Pangkalan Brandan. “The official handover of

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    • APRIL 21, 2014
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    PLN lacks 22 cargoes of LNG for 2015

    State-owned electricity company PT PLN is short 22 cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) needed to meet the fuel needs of power plants in 2015. PLN fuel and gas division head Suryadi Mardjoeki said in Jakarta on Sunday that the total number of LNG needed in 2015 was predicted to reach 56 cargoes. “There is

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    • APRIL 21, 2014
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    Australian captain loses command after Indonesia incursion

    Sydney (ANTARA News/AFP) – An Australian naval captain has been relieved of his command after his vessel was involved in an incursion into Indonesian waters while on border protection duty, the defence ministry said Thursday. Six incursions took place during Australias military-led Operation Sovereign Borders to deter asylum-seeker boats in December and January, leading Canberra

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    • APRIL 17, 2014
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    Over 280 missing after South Korean ferry capsizes

    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JINDO – More than 280 people, many of them students from the same high school, were missing after a ferry capsized off South Korea on Wednesday, in what could be the country’s biggest maritime disaster in over 20 years. The ferry was carrying 462 people, of whom 174 have been rescued, coastguard officials said.

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    • APRIL 17, 2014
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    Association Urges Gov’t To Realize National Logistics System

    JAKARTA – Vice Chairman of Indonesian Logistics Association (ALI) Mahendra Rianto stated the association’s support to the government’s policy in reducing the import consumption. For that, he said, the government should be committed to realize the national logistics system that stands on local businessmen. According to him, the supply which tends to decline as well

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    • APRIL 17, 2014
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    Batam authority holds meeting with South Korean investors

    Batam Free Port and Trade Zone (BP Batam) management is meeting with 23 South Korean investors on Tuesday, to discuss potential investment cooperation, Chief of Planning and Marketing Affairs of Batam Authority Johan Efendi stated. “During the meeting, we will explain the Batam Single Window policy to the potential investors. The policy is expected to

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    • APRIL 17, 2014
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    PT PAL Indonesia to produce warship

    Surabaya (ANTARA News) – State-owned ship building company PT PAL Indonesia started building a Watchtower Missile Destroyer fregate on Wednesday to meet the ministry of defenses order. “To realize the production of the warship we steered the keel laying for the PKR fregate, today” the companys President Director M Firmansyah Arifin stated, while attending the

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