• JANUARY 7, 2015
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    Boosting Cultured Fishery Production, IDR 1 Trillion Budget Prepared

    JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) allocated IDR 1 trillion budget to increase cultured fishery production along 2015. This year, the government targeted cultured fishery production of 16.9 million tons or a 26.11-percent hike than last year’s target of 13.4 million tons. From this production target, KKP makes shrimp as the featuring commodity targeted

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    • JANUARY 6, 2015
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    Susi Effect Boosts Maritime Issuers

    JAKARTA – The government of President Joko Widodo assigns maritime sector as the main development focus during his era. His ambition is to make Indonesia as a global maritime axis. Not only will it boost Indonesia, this program will also boost the prospect and share prices of maritime and fishery issuers. Since last year until

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    • DECEMBER 24, 2014
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    Norway Wants to Make Investment in Fishery Industry

    JAKARTA – The vision of Joko Widodo’s government to develop maritime sector attracts foreign investors to Indonesia, for example the investors from Norway. They intended to make investment in fishery sector next year. Norway has advanced fishery industry. KONTAN’s research stated the contribution of Norway’s maritime and fishery (KP) sector to gross domestic product (GDP)

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    • DECEMBER 17, 2014
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    Transportation Ministry Hand Over Some Projects to BUMN

    JAKARTA – Low infrastructure budget in 2015 State Budget urged Transportation Ministry to think over additional budget to expedite transportation infrastructure development. One of the strategies is to divide roles with State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) Ministry in developing ports. Transportation Ministry’s Special Staff for Public Information Transparency, Hadi M. Djuraid, said the government hands over 15

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2014
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    Kemhub Minta Jalur Tol Laut Dikaji Ulang

    JAKARTA. Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemhub) meminta Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) meninjau kembali desain dan konsep jalur dalam proyek jalur tol laut. Saat ini. Bappenas masih menyusun desain dan konsep proyek ini. Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kemhub, Bobby R. Mamahit mengatakan, permintaan ini didasarkan pada beberapa pertimbangan. Salah satunya berkaitan dengan ketersediaan pelabuhan yang akan digunakan

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2014
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    Efek Moratorium, Harga Ikan Terbang

    JAKARTA. Kebijakan moratorium kapal penangkap ikan dan pelarangan alih muatan atau transhipment telah memberikan dampak terhadap berkurangnya pasokan ikan di pasaran. Akibatnya, harga beberapa produk perikanan beranjak naik. Amril, ketua kelompok nelayan pengumpul dan pengangkut Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, mengatakan, kebijakan moratorium kapal dan transhipment sejatinya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pasokan ikan di dalam negeri. Namun, realisasinya

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2014
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    Fish Price Increases Due to Moratorium Effect

    JAKARTA – Fishing vessel moratorium and transshipment prohibition has lowered fish supply in market. Consequently, the price of several fishery products increases. Amril, Balikpapan Collecting and Shipping Fisherman Group Chairman, said vessel moratorium and transshipment prohibition aim to increase fish supply in the country. However, the realization is contrary with the reality in the field.

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