• MARCH 5, 2013
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    Somali president grants amnesty to pirates, but not kingpins

      Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has granted an amnesty to hundreds of young Somali pirates to reduce the threat to shipping in the seas off the Horn of Africa state, a senior regional official said. The amnesty will not apply to bosses running the gangs responsible for hijackings that have ramped up shipping costs

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    • MARCH 5, 2013
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    BP Spill Judge to Hear From Rig Explosion Survivor This Week

      The judge presiding over BP Plc’s trial over the Macondo well disaster is set to hear from a survivor of the fatal oil rig explosion that sent millions of gallons of oil pouring into the Gulf of Mexico, according to a witness list prepared for the case. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier is slated

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    • MARCH 4, 2013
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    Indonesia ambitious to have the most sophisticated port

      REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Indonesia will have a new port claimed to be the most sophisticated port in Asia. Indonesia state owned port company, Pelindo III, has signed a procurement and operating system contract with four international class companies in Lamong Bay Multipurpose Terminal Port. Executive Director of Pelindo III, Djarwo Surjanto, said the four

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    • MARCH 4, 2013
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    New Generation of Multibeam Sonars from WASSP

      Multibeam sonar manufacturer WASSP Ltd has announced details of the company’s latest range of multibeam sonar’s, now for all commercial applications. “Although WASSP was originally designed for commercial fishing, when the company first started promoting WASSP globally in 2006 most of the interest came from scientists and surveyors mainly because WASSP multibeam sonar technology

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    • MARCH 4, 2013
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    EU Naval Force And NATO Reaffirm Their Commitment To Work Together To Fight Piracy

      On 24 February 2013, whilst on counter piracy patrols in the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) the Force Commander of EU NAVFOR, Rear Admiral Pedro García de Paredes, met with the Commander of the NATO counter-piracy Operation Ocean Shield, Rear Admiral Antonio Natale. The meeting between the two force commanders was an opportunity to

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    • MARCH 4, 2013
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    Somali Pirates Convicted for Attack of the USS Ashland

      Mohamed Ali Said, a/k/a Maxamad Cali Saciid; Mohamed Abdi Jama, a/k/a Mohammed Abdi Jamah; Abdicasiis Cabaase, a/k/a Ahmed Mahomood; Abdirazaq Abshir Osman, a/k/a Abdirasaq Abshir; and Mohamed Farah, a/k/a Mohamed Farraah Hassan, were found guilty by a federal jury of engaging in piracy and committing other offenses pertaining to the attack on the Navy

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    • MARCH 1, 2013
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    Master Forgets to Close the River Ferry Bow Ramp and caused flooding

      Operator of a ferry ship escaped prosecution after a ship flooded when its bow ramp was left open as it crossed River Clyde in Scotland. The potential accident occurred as the Clydelink-operated Renfrew ferry ship was passing across the river among Renfrew and Yoker in Glasgow with opened bow access door ramp, according the

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