Wave Height in NTT Waters Reaches 7 Meters

SITUBONDO, Kompas – High wave and bad weather disrupt voyage in Java Sea. The vessels from Situbondo, East Java, which will head to Banjar, South Kalimantan take shelter in nearby islands like Masalembu Island and Bawean Island.

Coal barges usually supplying coal to power plant in Paiton, Probolinggo Regency, for example, gets stucked in Masalembu Island. Some of the vessels carrying cattle which will head to Kalimantan also take shelter in Bawean Island.

“High wave and bad weather strike Java Sea nearby Kalimantan,” said Agus Pudjo, Kalbut Harbormaster, Situbondo on Tuesday (1/6).

High wave and bad weather occurs unpredictably. Prior to that, Agus said, Metrology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicted the weather condition on Tuesday in Java Sea nearby Kalimantan is calm.

Different with last year, sea condition in Madura Strait is calm. Last year, in January to March, the departure of pioneer and passenger vessels was suspended for more than a week due to high wave in Madura Strait.

High wave and bad weather striking East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) waters also urge 9 ferry vessels operated by Kupang-Chapter PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry to take shelter in Kupang Bay and another ferry vessel takes shelter in Alor.

NTT Maritime and Fishery Department Head for Harbormaster, Frans Meo, said “The information from BMKG says wave height reaches 7 meters, especially in NTT’s southern waters.”

Therefore, the firm’s General Manager, Arnoldus Yansen, ensured the voyage from Kupang is still closed until Friday (1/9). The voyage at the region is halted since Thursday (1/1).

However, voyage prohibition has not affected staple need supply to the islands. There are three regencies whose most of staple needs are supplied from Kupang namely Rote Ndao, Alor, and Sabu Raijua.

Labuan Bajo-Sape Route Opened

Yesterday, the voyage route from Labuan Bajo, NTT to Sape, Bima in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) was opened after it was closed since Saturday (1/3). Utilizing the calming current and sea wave, Labuan Bajo ASDP, around 2 a.m., departed Cakalang II and Marina Primera passenger vessels to Sape.

“Alhamdulillah, both ferry vessels’ arrived safely in Sape. KMP Cakalang II even has returned to Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, on Tuesday evening.

Bad weather striking waters in Maluku urges Ambon First Class Port Authority and Harbormaster Office to implement open-and-close system for voyage from Ambon since yesterday.

Bastian Molle, the officer of Ambon First Class Port Authority and Harbormaster Office, said the system is implemented for the route from Abon to Namlea, Buru Regency capital city, and from Ambon to Namrole, South Buru Regency capital city.

High wave also makes around 150 traditional vessels owned by the fishermen from Kupang and its surrounding secured for 30 meters from coastal line. Three fishing vessels have been damaged by wave since its owner does not secure it to land.

Meanwhile, a vessel crew of KM Karya Utama 2 is missing after the vessel was hit by high wave in its voyage from Situbondo to Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya. The other 12 vessel crews were found by a Panama-flagged tanker. (Kompas)

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