Upgrading of Ground Station


Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board has implemented the Satellite Imagery Ground Station upgrading in the Bangka Belitung. The main objective of upgrading is to enhance the ability and speed in the processing of satellite image data from level 0 to level 2. Before upgrading, GS on Bangka Belitung only able to process the data from level 0 to level 1B.

Increased capabilities of the processing device in the satellite image data, need to be supported by an increase of human resources to operate and maintain the Ground Station. This training was followed by all personnel of Ground Station of Bangka Belitung and two personnel from the headquarters led by  CDR Arief Meidyanto. The Training starts from July 11 until July 13, 2012.

In the opening of Training, Systems and IT Management explain the intent and purpose of this training is as an introduction, operation,  analysis and processing of satellite image data on the Ground Station (GS) Bangka Belitung and how to distribute this data to Crisis Center Jakarta. From a variety of satellite image data processing capabilities that are owned by the GS Bangka Belitung, including a Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll. Both of these data after analysis can be used as a basis for predicting potential fishing zones.

Thus the importance of both the data analysis that can be utilized for the general public especially the maritime community that is closely associated with fishing and to the Stakeholder of IMSCB such as Navy, Police Water and etc  in order of law enforcement at sea. He also expressed his expectation to the personnel who manned the GS of Bangka Belitung in order to have high spirit in work and high motivation to improve the knowledge of satellite image data management and maintenance of equipment.





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