The Personnel of RCC Kupang Attended The Welcoming ceremony and KRI Dewaruci Night Arts


RCC KUPANG BAKORKAMLA get the invitation to be involved in the ceremony welcoming KRI Dewaruci related to activities Latek Sailing Kartika Nets Krida Academy Cadet Navy Force 60 in 2013 which was put in at Wharf Lantamal VII Kupang. The head of RCC Kupang Second Lieutenant Eko Suryo Putro, SIP and his staff Ervan Reri Nugraha, SE, Kubu Y. Prastiyo was presented in the event.

On saturday, September 28, 2013 at 09.00 WITA, KRI Dewaruci recline on Lantamal VII quay, and welcomed by welcoming dance of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) by the students in Kupang, symbolically embedded the special cain by Commander of lantamal NTT typical by VII also the head of relationship to the Commander Kupang KRI Dewaruci, accompanied by representatives Kadet AAL.

The next event continued by the advanced meal by the commander Commander of Lantamal KRI Dewaruci to VII, Regional Military Commander 161/WS, Danlanudal EL Tari with guests, Head of RCC Kupang Second Lieutenant Maritime Eko Suryo Putro, SIP. The welcoming event concluded with the photograph with the kadet AAL.

The series of events that was held by KRI Dewaruci was the Night Arts, also, present in the event staff RCC Kupang Ervan Reri Nugraha, SE, Kubu Y. Prastiyo. Also presented as guests the Chief East Nusa Tenggara, Regional Military Commander 161/WS, Danlanudal, Danlantamal VII, Wadan Lantamal VII, the Assistant Danlantamal VII, Head of KSOP.

On September 29, 2013 19.30 pm of Central Indonesian Time Zone dinner arts was started by singing the National anthem Indonesia Raya, and then continued with the performance by the kadet AAL. The shows which were displayed was the same performance that was brought in the countries that visited by KRI Dewaruci. Show begins with the fashion show of the uniform Navy continued with the Aceh traditional dance , West Java to Papua here with the regional songs. Event was closed by dancing together with the guests.







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