The Exposure From Executive Secretary of IMSCB in Focus Group Discussion


Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs of Indonesia conducted the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), on Wednesday (11/20/2013) located at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, M. H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta. Thus, the FGD has the theme of “The Synergy of the Law Enforcement Working Mechanism Relationship on the duty of maintaining the Sovereignty and the Law of the Sea”.

The Secretary of the Ministry Political, Legal and Security Affairs represented by Deputy IV/Haneg, First Admiral Amri Husaini opened the Focus Group Discussions. Also presented as the presenter Dr. Ir. Dicky R. Munaf, M. S., MSCE “Executive Secretary of IMSCB”, M. Sapta Murti, SH., MA., M. Kn (Deputy Minister of State Secretary of Regulation Area), and Dr. Jaleswari P., M. Hum (LIPI).

Thus, Dr. Ir. Dicky R. Munaf M.S., MSCE who was accompanied by the Head of System Management and Information Technology, Lieutenant Colonel Maritime Arief Meidyanto presented a presentation about the necessity to carry out restructuring of institutions that already exist to provide synergy authority, power and ability which reflected in organizational structure, a mechanism, procedures and other regulation to be more optimal in dealing with the issues of undistinguished sovereignty and the law in the sea. In his presentation, He emphasized about the optimalization of Gaklat and Gakkum in the sea, hence the key was synergy and integration, ignoring about the coordination and carried out the formation of Indonesian Maritime Security Board which was the Revitalization Body that already exist and have the capability on doing Early Warning System according to Presidential Regulation 39/2013.

Selain itu juga dalam rangka mengurangi pengeluaran negara dalam rangka efektifitas dan efisiensi anggaran, maka tetap digunakan aset dan personel yang ada. Bukan dengan badan baru, tetapi revitalisasi badan yang sudah ada dan telah memiliki early warning system (Bakorkmla telah memiliki sejak tahun 2007 yang tersebar dari aceh sampai dengan Merauke). Serta dalam rangka meningkatkan keterpaduan operasional di lapangan, diantaranya dengan meningkatkan kemampuan sarana Monitoring ,Control and Surveillance (MCS) masing-masing instansi serta meningkatkan integritas dan sinergitas sarana MCS yang dimiliki oleh Bakorkamla dengan Stakeholdernya sehingga dapat menghasilkan early warning System yang jauh lebih baik dan lebih luas jangkauannya. Sarana MCS stakeholder Bakorkamla yang bisa di Integrasi dan Sinergikan,diantaranya sbb;

In addition, it purposed on reducing the state expenditures for the effectiveness and efficiency of the budget, so it still used the subsistence assets and personnel instead of using the new organization, but the revitalization body that already exist and have the early warning system (IMSCB since 2007 that spread from Aceh to Merauke). Also, in order to improve the operational integrity in the field, including the improvement of the ability to means Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS each institution) and improving the integrity and synergy MCS facility which owned by IMSCB and Stakeholder. So that it will be an early warning System that was far better and more extensively represented. MCS facility between the stakeholder and IMSCB that could be integrated and Synergy as follows:

a. VMS ( Vessel Monitoring system ) KKP;

b. IMSS (Integrated Maritime Surveillace System) TNI AL;

c. VTS ( Vessel Traffic Scheme) HUBLA;

d. LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking) Hubla;

e. AIS and Long Range from each Institution.


Meanwhile, M. Sapta Murti, SH gave the presentations about the rules and regulations concerning the authority of the law enforcement agencies to maintain the sovereignty and the law on the sea which currently applied. Thus, it possible to see a single agency to do the multitask. While Dr. Jaleswari P., M. Hum, gave a description about the mechanism to synergize working relationship law enforcement agencies in order to maintain the sovereignty and the law in the sea. Finally, (former) Vice Admiral Didik Heru Purnomo gave some comments on the session of responses and discussion, The Event was closed by the 4th Deputy/Haneg First Admiral Amri Husaini.






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