The Commandant of Pusdikpel Kodikkopsla-Kobangdikal Armatim Lead the Closing Ceremony of Radio Communication Course of IMSCB


Surabaya, 06/01/2014 At 09.00 AM the IMSCB Radio Communication course was officially closed by the Commandant of Pusdikpel Kodikopsla-Kobangdikal Armatim, Maritime Colonel Hadi Pranoto. Thus, it also attended by the Maritime Colonel Atmu Edi ¨Head of Logistic Communication¨ and Maritime Sergeant Muhammad Yamin ¨Staff of Communication¨ in IMSCB.

Apparently, the education which held for 2 months ¨7 November 2013 until 6 January 2014 has given the students about the knowledge of Morse methods, the Introduction of International Communication Procedures and the correct method of Tactical Communication Procedures, Semaphore, light signal, Introduction to radio communication HF and MF, radio telegraphic, and the radio telephonic.


Moreover, the inaugurated student of IMSCB’s 1st generation 2013 / 2014 were

1. Maritime First Lieutenant Ibnu SIna;

2. Maritime Second Lieutenant Sulaiman Rusdi;

3. Maritime Sergeant Mayor Antonius Nunky;

4. Maritime First Sergeant Ade Kurniawan;

5. Maritime First Sergeant Yuliady Prasetyo;

6. Maritime First Sergeant Jarwoto;

7. Maritime First Sergeant A. Zamrony;

8. Maritime First Sergeant Suwarno.

Furthermore, the commandant of Pusdikpel Kodikopsla said that purpose of the training and education was to make the students have the capability in applying the communication procedures both in their main duties or when they were onboard. Also, to train their ability as the radio operator in order to do the communication security such as telegram (Classified, official, unclassified) whether it is physical, crypto, and documents.











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