The Chief Executive Elected the IV Echelon in IMSCB


The Chief Executive of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board ‘Vice Admiral Bambang Suwarto’ inducted the 4th echelon of IMSCB, Friday 27 December 2013 placed at the IMSCB’s multifunction room. Thus, the ceremony was attended by all of the officers and experts of IMSCB. There were 6 echelons 4th that would be elected and taken an oath by the Chief.

Thus, the officers which being appointed were Mrs. Mira Hamiranti, SE., AK served as the Head of the Evaluation and Report Sub Division, Maritime Lieutenant Colonel Dedi Setiadi, B.A served as the Head of the Operation Policy Examination Sub Division, Maritime Mayor Wiyoto served as the Head of the Appliances Sub Section, Maritime First Lieutenant Vita Melia N,S.T., M.T served as the Head of the Center Operation Administration, Maritime First Lieutenant AKhmad Firdaus S.IP., M.Si served as the Head of the Human Relations and Protocol, and Maritime First Lieutenant Irma Sahara, S.E served as the Head of Training Preparation Sub Division.

On that occasion, the Chief greeted the elected officers and hoped that the new position might increase their performance in IMSCB. ‘’On behalf of the Head and the Leader of IMSCB, I’d like to salute the officers that have been elected, creativity and innovation were needed to continue the previous policy so that IMSCB will continue to develop’’ said the Chief.

Also, he explained that the 2014 policy essential of the IMSCB’s leader have been prepared and delivered to the Central Leader to be carried out by the II echelon, involving the echelon III and IV and support from the professional staffs. The Chief also hoped that the recruitment of the employees in 2013 will soon get the approval from BKN, so that they were able to support the activities in each unit in an optimal manner. Finally, the chief delivered his gratitude for the implementation of the remuneration in IMSCB that has been approved by the President and accepted by all the employees of IMSCB.






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