The 5th FGD of Maritime Security in Equator City

IMSCB held the 5th Forum Discussion Group of maritime regional security that conducted in Potianak, West Kalimantan on April 03 2014. The event was opened by the Head of the Center Preparation Policy of IMSCB “First Admiral Drs. Satria F. Maseo, SH, MM”. Also, presented as the speakers were the Dikkamla consultant of IMSCB Brigadier General (Ret) Drs. E.H. Allagan, SH, the Head of Marine and Fisheries Agency of West Kalimantan ‘’IR. Gatot Rudiyono, SH. MM’’, the Head of National Narcotics Agency of West Kalimantan ‘’Police Commissionaire Marhidup Samosir Pakpahan, SH.MM, and the moderator was DR. Firdaus, SH.M.Si from the Law Faculty Tanjungpura University.

The theme of the event was ‘’Good Governance at Sea in order to Create the Security and Discipline of Maritime Society’’. Moreover, through this event IMSCB sought to be recognized by the maritime society and the other institutions since one of the essence of the event was to socialize the main duties, functions and the role of IMSCB. Also, to optimize the maritime society empowerment and the use of call center (021 500 500 / 127) which owned by IMSCB in order to give the service to the society and the treatment of the issues occurred in the sea.

Obviously, one of the effort to secure the Indonesian marine territory was to include the participation of the maritime society and the other sea users. in addition, the event was attended by 40 participants which coming from several related institutions, the maritime businessmen, and the fishermen. Furthermore, the event was running well in informal, constructive and kinship. Clearly, it can be seen by the enthusiasm of the participants and the good discussion occurred in the event. in addition, many inputs were given by the audiences regarding the call center of IMSCB and they expected that the establishment of Single Agency with the Many Tasks.

Source: IMSCBIMSCB held the 5th Forum Discussion Group of maritime regional security that conducted in Potianak, West Kalimantan on April 03 2014. The event was opened by the Head of the Center Preparation Policy of IMSCB “First Admiral Drs. Satria F. Maseo, SH, MM”. Also, presented as the speakers were the Dikkamla consultant of IMSCB Brigadier General (Ret) Drs. E.H. Allagan, SH, the Head of Marine and Fisheries Agency of West Kalimantan ‘’IR. Gatot Rudiyono, SH. MM’’, the Head of National Narcotics Agency of West Kalimantan ‘’Police Commissionaire Marhidup Samosir Pakpahan, SH.MM, and the moderator was DR. Firdaus, SH.M.Si from the Law Faculty Tanjungpura University.

The theme of the event was ‘’Good Governance at Sea in order to Create the Security and Discipline of Maritime Society’’. Moreover, through this event IMSCB sought to be recognized by the maritime society and the other institutions since one of the essence of the event was to socialize the main duties, functions and the role of IMSCB. Also, to optimize the maritime society empowerment and the use of call center (021 500 500 / 127) which owned by IMSCB in order to give the service to the society and the treatment of the issues occurred in the sea.

Obviously, one of the effort to secure the Indonesian marine territory was to include the participation of the maritime society and the other sea users. in addition, the event was attended by 40 participants which coming from several related institutions, the maritime businessmen, and the fishermen. Furthermore, the event was running well in informal, constructive and kinship. Clearly, it can be seen by the enthusiasm of the participants and the good discussion occurred in the event. in addition, many inputs were given by the audiences regarding the call center of IMSCB and they expected that the establishment of Single Agency with the Many Tasks.

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