Tanker with 20 Crew Members Hijacked by Somali pirates


Pirates from Somalia struck again on Sunday by hijacking a Turkish-owned oil tanker ship off the western Africa coast.

The Malta-flagged tanker vessel, MV Cotton, with its crew of 20 Indian seafarers, was attacked near Port Gentil in Gabon. An official of the Turkish Foreign Ministry confirmed the accident. According to the information 6 of the kidnapped seafarers are natives of Kolkata.

Captain Shishir Wahi, 54-year-old, took over the tanker ship’s command on 12th of July. “My father flew from Kolkata on 5th of July. We got confirmation about the hijacking from the shipping agencies around 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday,” told the daughter of Wahi, Richa. “My father called us on Sunday. But late in the evening, I received an e-mail from my father stating that there had been a communication failure that would be rectified soon,” she said in addition.

Wahi’s daughter, Richa added that there has been no news on the seafarers’ whereabouts. “The Somali pirates haven’t made any ransom demand from the shipping company,” she told.

Owners of the hijacked tanker ship MV Cotton lost contact with the seafarers onboard late on Sunday. At the time of going to press, neither defence authorities nor the director-general of shipping could share information about the pirate attack.



Source: http://www.marineinsight.com/





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