Supply Chain Urges Revitalization To Indonesia’s Ports

JAKARTA – Supply Chain Indonesia urges the government to perform revitalization to the ports in Indonesia in order to support the acceleration of goods mobilization.

Setijadi, Chairman of Supply Chain Indonesia, said that the damage of Comal Bridge brings impact to the transportation acceleration both for the passengers or goods which may get back to its normal condition after the completion of permanent bridge construction in around 2-3 months..

Within the period, there will be an additional period for goods transportation of around 6 hours. The period will take longer whenever there is congestion due to not decent alternative track.

“The development of transportation mode alternative in Indonesia should consider multimode transportation including by developing and integrating sea transportation inside.” he said, Sunday (8/3/2014).

According to him, the role of sea transportation is still not optimum nowadays in view of the low goods volume that passes the ports in Indonesia.

The average growth of freight volume in five major ports in Indonesia (Belawan, Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Perak, Balikpapan, and Makassar), reaches only 3.49% per year in the last five years.

“The freight volume even declines by 0.43% per year in average. The significant volume increase only emerges in Tanjung Priok port of 12.56% per year.”

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