Singapore Says Indonesian Ship Sank After Ferry Collision


An Indonesian-registered vessel sank in Singapore waters after colliding with a ferry this morning, triggering a search and rescue operation for one missing crew member, according to the Maritime and Port Authority.

The Budi Jasa 18 was involved in a collision with Sea Hawk, a ferry carrying 200 passengers, in the West Keppel Fairway, the authority said in a statement. While other vessels have been ordered to keep clear of the search-and-rescue area, port operations are not affected, according to the statement.

Divers and four maritime and police coast guard craft have been activated for the operation, it said. Five crew from the Budi Jasa 18, described as a coaster craft, were rescued, with one reported missing, it said.

Eight people on the Sea Hawk, which was traveling to Singapore’s Bukom Island, suffered injuries, the authority said. The authority received a report about the sinking at 6:25 a.m. local time.

Singapore, a city-state at the southern end of the Malacca Strait, is home to the world’s second-busiest container port.





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