• DECEMBER 28, 2012
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    Spill Reported From Listing Oil Tanker Near Labuan, 7 Rescued

      On Christmas day, an oil tanker began listing near Labuan. Nearly 400 gallons of oil out of the 53,000 gallons in the ship’s hold spilled in the surrounding waters. About 30% of the vessel has sunk. The tanker, RAMAI DUA, sent out a distress call to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, but search and

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    • AUGUST 21, 2013
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    Speedboat with immigrants from Sudan capsized in Papua

      Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA News) – Fourteen of the 23 immigrants from Sudan whose speedboat capsized in Torasi river in Merauke, Papua, on August 14 are still missing. The spokesman of the navy main base in Merauke, Captain Guruh, said here on Tuesday nine of the boat passengers were safe but 14 others were missing.

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    • NOVEMBER 1, 2012
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    Spanish Navy Takes Custody Of Suspected Somali Pirates

      On 24 October 2012, 120 nautical miles southwest of Socotra, the EU Naval Force ship ESPS Castilla took custody of six suspected Somali pirates, who allegedly attempted to seize the Spanish tuna fishing vessel FV Izurdia. Their transfer to Spain was ordered by Central Court of Prosecution no3, Madrid. The suspect pirates were transported

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    • SEPTEMBER 5, 2012
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    Spanish Counter Piracy Patrol Vessel to Join EU Naval Force in Gulf of Aden

      As of 1st September 2012 the EU’s counter piracy task force (EUNAVFOR) will be augmented by the addition of the offshore patrol vessel RELAMPAGO of the Spanish Navy. The RELAMPAGO, a member of Spains newest BAM class of warships, is a high performance, modular vessel capable of being adapted to a number of roles

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