• SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
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    2015, Djakarta LIyod Angkut Batubara PLN

    JAKARTA – Perusahaan jasa angkutan kapal pelat merah Djakarta Llyod, mempersiapkan kapal pengangkut batubara PT Adaro Indonesia. Batubara tersebut diangkut ke pembangkit listrik PT PLN di wilayah Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Kepala Divisi Batubara PLN Helmi Najamuddin mengatakan, Djakarta Llyod dirangkul dalam kerangka sinergi antar-BUMN, yakni PLN membutuhkan pasokan batubara dengan memanfaatkan angkutan laut mereka. “Kebutuhan

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    • JANUARY 23, 2014
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    2014 World Maritime Day Theme: “IMO Conventions: Effective Implementation”

      IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu has launched this year’s World Maritime Day theme, “IMO conventions: effective implementation”, expressing the hope that the year would see genuine progress towards effective and global implementation of all IMO conventions. Speaking at a reception to mark the launch of the theme, at the end of the first day of

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    • JANUARY 23, 2014
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    2014 World Maritime Day Theme: “IMO Conventions: Effective Implementation”

      IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu has launched this year’s World Maritime Day theme, “IMO conventions: effective implementation”, expressing the hope that the year would see genuine progress towards effective and global implementation of all IMO conventions. Speaking at a reception to mark the launch of the theme, at the end of the first day of

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    • JUNE 18, 2012
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    2012 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea to go to Canadian and Chilean rescuers

    Council: 108th session – 11 to 14 June 2012 The 2012 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea will go to members of rescue crews from Canada and Chile for their actions in saving the lives of persons in distress at sea. The IMO Council has decided that the award will go to Sergeant Janick

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