• JULY 2, 2012
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    EU Naval Force And TF 508 Collaborate To Escort WFP

      From the 18th to 21st June 2012, EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) frigates Guépratte and Reina Sofia collaborated with USS Taylor, engaged in TF 508 (NATO) to escort World Food Programme chartered ship MV Tupi Maiden 3. The escort of WFP ship started in Salalah (Oman) and was performed by EUNAVFOR French frigate Guépratte up

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    • MARCH 4, 2013
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    EU Naval Force And NATO Reaffirm Their Commitment To Work Together To Fight Piracy

      On 24 February 2013, whilst on counter piracy patrols in the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) the Force Commander of EU NAVFOR, Rear Admiral Pedro García de Paredes, met with the Commander of the NATO counter-piracy Operation Ocean Shield, Rear Admiral Antonio Natale. The meeting between the two force commanders was an opportunity to

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    • JULY 5, 2013
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    EU Naval Force And NATO Commanders Meet At Sea Maintaining high levels co-operation sharing to curb piracy

      On 4 July 2013, whilst conducting counter-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, the Force Commander of the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR), Commodore Jorge Novo Palma, met with the Commander of the NATO counter-piracy Operation Ocean Shield, Commodore Henning Amundsen. HNoMS Fridtjof Nansen, flagship of the NATO operation, hosted the meeting between

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    • SEPTEMBER 22, 2014
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    Eropa Minati Ikan dari Bitung

    MANADO, KOMPAS – Di tengah kemajuan teknologi, dengan alat tangkap modern, tak membuat alat tangkap ikan pole and line atau di sebut huhate tersingkir. Produksi ikan yang diperoleh dari alat tangkap huhate diminati pembeli ikan Eropa. Manajer PT Samudera, perusahaan pengolahan ikan tangkap, Abrizal Lim, di Manado, pekan lalu, mengutarakan, penangkapan ikan tradisional memakai huhate

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