• DECEMBER 23, 2013
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    IMSCB Held the FDG in Palu

      Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board held a Forum Discussion Group (FDG) Maritime Security Regional, which was held on Tuesday December 17, 2013 took place in Edelweiss, Swissbell Hotel Palu, Central Sulawesi Province. Thus, the event was attended by the representatives from DKP Central Sulawesi Province, Marine Police, local fishermen and HNSI. The event started

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    • JANUARY 8, 2014
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    IMSCB Always Stay Alert to Monitor Indonesian Maritime Territory

      Regarding to the bad weather condition around the Indonesian marine territory in the late of 2013, the Chief of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board suggested that all the personnel stay on alert. Also, he implied that all the personnel should always make the coordination with the stakeholders and the society especially those who lived

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    • JANUARY 8, 2014
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    IMSCB Always Stay Alert to Monitor Indonesian Maritime Territory

      Regarding to the bad weather condition around the Indonesian marine territory in the late of 2013, the Chief of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board suggested that all the personnel stay on alert. Also, he implied that all the personnel should always make the coordination with the stakeholders and the society especially those who lived

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    • SEPTEMBER 10, 2014
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    Importir Minta Penyurvei dan Asuransi

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Asosiasi Logistik dan Forwarder Indonesia dan Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia menuntut adanya lembaga independen yang mampu menilai kondisi peti kemas dan asuransi yang bisa menanggung kerugian akibat kerusakan peti kemas. “Biaya kerusakan peti kemas yang tidak transparan dan pengembalian uang deposit jaminan peti kemas menjadi salah satu faktor yang membuat ongkos

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