IMSCB Held the FDG in Palu


Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board held a Forum Discussion Group (FDG) Maritime Security Regional, which was held on Tuesday December 17, 2013 took place in Edelweiss, Swissbell Hotel Palu, Central Sulawesi Province. Thus, the event was attended by the representatives from DKP Central Sulawesi Province, Marine Police, local fishermen and HNSI.

The event started at 09.00 WITA, FDG started with a welcome speech from the Head of Center Policy Preparation which represented by Colonel Maritime Yansen Angkauw, ST., MK., SH. After that, it continued with a depiction source by their Mr. Drs. Sudirman Kantoro, M. Si. (Consultant of Region Development Bakorkamla) about Security Issues and Safety of the maritime user. Interactive Discussion hosted by the moderator from Muhammadiyah University Dean from Palu, Mr. Osgar S. Matompo, SH.,MH. FDG closed by handing over 5 Books of Bakorkamla’s procedure to the representatives by Colonel Maritime Yansen Angkauw,ST., MK., SH.

Many problems were being revealed in the forum which delivered by the audiences. Therefore, many suggestions and hopes conveyed by the maritime users especially in carrying out their work that was closely linked to the sea.






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