• SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
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    Indonesia Tingkatkan Ekspor Rumput Laut

    JAKARTA. Indonesia kembali membuka celah ekspor baru. Kali ini adalah membuka peluang ekspor rumput laut ke Filipina. Pasalnya, Badai Taifun yang menerjang negara tersebut pada beberapa waktu lalu berdampak serius terhadap industri rumput laut di sana. Akibatnya, produksi rumput laut Filipina merosot hingga 50%. Ketua Asosiasi Rumput Laut Indonesia (ARLI) Safari Azis mengatakan, produksi rumput

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    • JULY 2, 2014
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    Indonesia takes hard-line stance to ease Tanjung Priok port congestion

    The Indonesian government announced it will impose stringent measures and harsh penalties to hasten cargo flow at Tanjung Priok, the country’s main shipping gateway that is getting flak for congestion and long dwell times. Chief Economics Minister Chairul Tanjung told local media the government will take steps to cut dwell time at the port from

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    • DECEMBER 28, 2012
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    Indonesia supports security in South China Sea

      Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA News) – Indonesia keeps condcuting diplomacy with various countries especially in Southeast Asia to assure security in the South China Sea, Commander of Indonesian Armed Forces, Admiral Agus Suhartono, said here on Thursday. When met by reporters after leading a ceremony to mark the handing over of the post of

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    • DECEMBER 11, 2013
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    Indonesia spying row reopens routes for asylum seekers, say smugglers

    People smugglers are telling asylum seekers that bad diplomatic relations between Australia and Indonesia mean the route by boat to Christmas Island is once again open for business. “The same smuggler is offering a cut-rate fee of as low as $1800 to entice people onto boats” New evidence obtained by Fairfax Media shows asylum seekers

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