• AUGUST 28, 2012
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    indonesia`s fishery grows faster than agricultural sector – (d)

      Jakarta, Aug 27 (ANTARA) – Maritime and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo said the country`s GDP from the fishery sector grew faster than GDP from the agricultural sector in the first seven months of the year. The country`s GDP from the maritime and fishery sector grew 6.75 percent on year as against the growth

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    • SEPTEMBER 28, 2012
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    Indonesia works with Singapore over the sunken ferry in Sunda Strait

      REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MERAK – Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) is coordinating with Singapore’s Transportation Committee to investigate the collision involving Bahuga Jaya and Singaporean flag tanker Norgas Cathnika. The accident took eight lives and 207 other reascued alive. Chief of Indonesian KNKT, Tatang Kurniadi, said that every international ship could freely pass Indonesia’s archipelagic sea

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    • AUGUST 8, 2012
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    Indonesia urges China to help Indonesian crew displaced in Gabon

      Beijing (ANTARA News) – The government of Indonesia has called on China to sort out the cases of seven Indonesian crew members of Chinese fishing vessels, who were displaced in Gabon, according to Indonesian Ambassador to China Imron Cotan. Imron sent a letter to China`s foreign ministry, urging the Chinese government to quickly resolve

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    • OCTOBER 24, 2012
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    Indonesia urged to increase port, sea security

      The London-based International Maritime Board (IMB) has urged the Indonesian government to heighten security at its ports and in its waters due to increased instances of armed robbery and piracy over the past few months. “While seafarers continue to be on their guard against the threat of piracy, robbery is still a danger to

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