• OCTOBER 24, 2014
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    Operator Keluhkan Minimnya Dukungan Pemerintah

    JAKARTA—Indonesia National Shipowners Association (INSA) mengeluhkan kurang berkembangnya industri pelayaran Indonesia yang melayani rute-rute internasional akibat tidak ada dukungan dari pemerintah. Ketua Umum INSA Carmelita Hartoto mengatakan pemerintah seharusnya mendorong industry pelayaran nasional melalui kebijakan fiskal dan nonfiskal seperti di negara Asean lainnya. “Sehingga industri pelayaran nasional dapat berkembang khususnya untuk melayani rute-rute internasional,” katanya,

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    • JULY 22, 2014
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    Operator at Ketapang Port Preparing 44 Ferries

    Banyuwangi, E Java (Antara) – The Inland Waterway Transportation Service (ASDP) at Ketapang port of Bangyuwangi, East Java, has been preparing 44 ships to serve post-fasting Idul Fitri travelers, according to its manager. PT ASDP Manager for Ketapang port Saharudin Kotto said here on Monday that of the 44 ferries, 21 were passenger ships to

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    • NOVEMBER 20, 2014
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    Opening Opportunities for Private Sector to Construct Coal Port

    JAKARTA – The government is finalizing the policy to assign 14 coal export ports in Indonesia. Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry and Trade Ministry will immediately issue mutual decree (SKB) consisting of the list of coal export ports. One of 14 ports whose locations are assigned is in Muara Berau, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan.

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    • JULY 1, 2014
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    ONWJ Block Waits For Feasibility Study On Cilamaya Port

    JAKARTA – The operation of Block Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) is still awaiting the changes of the feasibility study of the cilamaya port project which is targeted for completion in July 2014. In fact, the construction of the port in the Khanewal district will shift the oil and gas pipeline owned by PT Pertamina

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