ONWJ Block Waits For Feasibility Study On Cilamaya Port

JAKARTA – The operation of Block Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) is still awaiting the changes of the feasibility study of the cilamaya port project which is targeted for completion in July 2014.

In fact, the construction of the port in the Khanewal district will shift the oil and gas pipeline owned by PT Pertamina Hulu Energy (PHE) as far as 2 to 3 kilometers. The process of shifting the pipe is predicted to reach 6 months.

Deputy Coordinating Ministry for Economic Infrastructure Lucky Eko Wuryanto said Cilamaya port development project forced ONWJ block to stop the operation temporarily.

According to him, now he is still completing the changes in the feasibility study (FS) which is expected to be completed within one month. “FS has not been completed,” he said on Monday (06/30/2014).

President Director of PHE ONWJ Tenny Wibowo said Cilamaya Port development will affect oil and gas production, since some offshore platforms owned by ONWJ will be dismantled.

“There will be a lot of oil and gas pipelines and platforms that will be moved,” he said.


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