Sea Hermes tanker targeted by pirates off the coast of Nigeria


Product tanker controlled by Laliotis Group has been attacked by pirates off the coast of Nigeria. Sea Hermes, 45, 879 dwt (built 2004), is in trouble since 30 March.

There was also another incident on 4 April when a supply vessel (name not known) was attacked by pirates 57 nautical miles west southwest of Brass, Nigeria.

AKE Maritime (provides solutions that protects vessels, cargoes and crew members from piracy and kidnapping) told:

“Both attacks highlight the ongoing risk to both large commercial vessels and smaller supply ships off Nigeria, but also underscore the lack of adequate regional piracy reporting and information sharing,”

“All vessels are advised to ensure defensive measures are in place, particularly at anchor, when drifting, or when carrying out ship to ship transfer (STS) operations.”

The so called Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has warned that attacks against local oil industry will continue.

MEND is one of the biggest armed groups in the region and informed that the group will not stop the attacks after the leader of the movement was sentenced by a South African court.

MEND attacks could limit or stop West African crude exports.

Nigeria depends on its revenue (80%) from the oil and gas industry.






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