RI, China`s FM meet in Jakarta discussing South China Sea issue


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Indonesia`s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa conducted a meeting with his China counterpart Yang Jiechi here on Friday discussing various issues including bilateral relations, recent development in South China sea and condition in Syria.

“The issue of South China sea is discussed today. However the discussion is in private setting so I have no right to provide the detail of it. But I can assure you that diplomacy is very much on track in this issue,” Minister Marty said.

The minister only revealed that generally Minister Yang and him agree that related parties in South China sea need to create a conducive situation for the stability of the region.

On bilateral issues, Marty said Indonesia and China have enjoyed fruitful relations for years and ministers from both countries agreed on the importance of finding more opportunities to deepen and expand the cooperation and elevate relations to a higher level.

The Friday meeting also stressed the need to enhance cooperation on food and security as well as to promote maritime and space cooperation, enhance people to people contact and coopertion in other sectors such as education, tourism, science and technology, culture, youth exchange and scientific research of giant panda and komodo dragon.

Meanwhile Minister Yang during the Friday meeting expressed his country`s commitment to work with ASEAN to fully implement the Declaration of Conduct (DOC) on the South China sea issue.

“China is willing to work with Indonesia and ASEAN members states to fully implement the DOC. We expect to promote cooperation with related parties while also maintain peace and stability in the South China sea,” Minister Yang said.

He also expressed China`s support towards ASEAN`s leading role at the East Asia Summit and Indonesia hosting the APEC meeting next year.(*)





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