Pelindo IV Prepares IDR100 Billion For Makassar New Port

MAKASSAR – State-owned ports operator PT Pelindo IV plans to immediately conducting land reclamation and construction of dock as part of the first stage of the mega project Makassar New Port (MNP).

For the reclamation process, the company prepared IDR100 Billion from internal treasury.

Managing Director of Pelindo IV, Mulyono, explains that the reclamation will take up to 4 years.

He said that other than the reclamation and the dock, the first stage would also include road access and procurement of heavy vehicles with total investment reaching IDR2Trillion.

Mulyono mentioned that the MNP construction is a part of the Sulawesi chapter of Indonesian Economy Expansion and Acceleration Master plan (MP3EI) with expectation of investment totaling IDR7 Trillion.

On the completion of the first stage, the second MNP stage would be estimated to absorb another IDR4 Trillion investment.

The second chapter will cover construction of 600 meter Container terminal and stacking area of about 300.000 m2, also Container freight station of 4.000 m2 and 4 units of Container cranes.

As for the third stage, the construction of Container terminal to accommodate 1 million TEU’s, dry dock and multipurpose dock of 1.800 meter length.

South Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo said the MNP project expected to boost the region’s domestic and international trade.

“With economic growth above 8%, it is time for South Sulawesi to have a bigger and modern port with increased capacity and facility, compared to the existing Makassar Port” he elaborate.

Besides, he continues, his office will push commodity-based exports, so that foreign ships will be able to directly visit Makassar.

“To date, foreign ships chose Priok in Jakarta and Perak in Surabaya because they have commodity load to bring back to the country of origin. This is what we don’t have, a weakness that we will improve.”

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