PELINDO III Ships Traffic Slightly Increases In 3%


SURABAYA: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III recorded the ship traffic in its 43 managed ports reached 35,549 units or slightly increased 3% from the realization in the same period of last year by 35,676 units.

Public relation manager of PT Pelindo III Edi Priyanto said the boat dock service performance in the entire 43 ports located at 23 branches increased than the previous year.

“If referring to the management target benchmark, the ship visit traffic during January – June 2012 period reached 106%. 36,549 units of ship have managed to dock or increased by 3% compared to the same period in 2011,” he said on Tuesday (8/7/2012)

Edi said the increasing ship visits is the positive effect to cabotage principle which applied gradually until its maximum state by 2014.

“Cabotage principle has spurred the shipping industry, in plain view it can be proved from an increase in ship traffic,” he said.

He said the ship’s visit exceeded the target since the management benchmark in the first semester of 2012 was only 34,432 units.

“In particular there is an increase in several ports such as Banjarmasin, Kotabaru and Tanjung Intan.”

Edi affirmed for Banjarmasin port, the ship visits were 7,995 units or 111% of the target.

This was triggered from the increase in coal-barged ship traffic. Although the coal-barge units increased, it has no impact on loading production at the terminal.

“This condition occurred because the coal loading in Banjarmasin uses ship to ship in Taboneo by another company,” he said.


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