Pelindo II: The Pattern of Quay Contract Tighten

JAKARTA: PT Pelindo II branch of Tanjung Priok Port raised up enforcement of the quay contract pattern or berthing window at the entire terminal that is managed until the end of this year.

Kepala Humas dan Pelayanan Pelanggan Pelindo II Tanjung Priok Sofyan Gumelar mengatakan, pola tersebut  selain untuk memberikan kepastian tambat kapal, juga menjamin pelayanan kapal dan barang yang di bongkar muat melalui pelabuhan.

“Diharapkan hingga akhir 2012 seluruh terminal di Priok sudah menerapkan pola berthing window,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Rabu (13/6/2012).

Head of Public Relations and Service Pelindo II Tanjung Priok Gumelar Sofyan said, the pattern, in addition to provide assurance of vessel leaning, also ensure ship service and the stevedoring through the port.

“Hopefully by the end of 2012, the entire terminal at Priok has been implementing a berthing window,” he told Bisnis on Wednesday (6/13)

Today, he said, the early stages of implementing a new berthing window pattern running in full capacity at the Port of Tanjung Priok Terminal 3 is at Maersk Line ships in the Kade 301 and the ships operated by Ocean Indonesia in Kade 305.

“On the other terminals has also been applied, but has not run optimally due to the arrival of the vessel (schedules) that are missed,” he said.

Sofyan said, to optimize the pattern of berthing window at Priok Port, he urged all shipping companies that have activities in the port of arrival to alert the ship periodically either monthly or weekly.

“Notification of ship arrival schedule is used as the basis for ship or good service planning which is subsequently used as a berthing window,” he said. (ra)


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