Patrol Ship Captain Refreshment and the Task Force Crew of XXXIII Joint Operation 2014 in Makassar’

The Head of Center Operation ‘First Maritime Roedy Santoso’ opened the event of ‘Patrol Ship Captain Refreshment and the Task Force Crew of XXXIII Joint Operation 2014’ at Grand Clarion Hotel, Makassar on 5 March 2014. The event was attended by Pangdam VII, Assinten II Setda South Sulawesi Province, the representatives from the regional office of Ministry of Legal and Human Rights in South Sulawesi, Asops of 6th Lantamal, representatives of Sulawesi custom regional office, Vice Director of South Sulawesi Marine Police, Kadispam Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar.

Thus, the theme of the event was ‘’The Synergy of the Main Duty and Function of Government Apparatus and Institution to Generate the National Objectives on the Area of Security, Safety and Law Enforcement in the National Marine Jurisdiction’’. Moreover, the speakers were coming from the IMSCB’s stakeholder and the related institution such as the Director of KPLP, Directorate General of Marine Transportation, Head of the Center Policy Preparation of IMSCB, Head of Operation Providence division of IMSCB, Vice Commandant of 2nd Task Force of IMSCB, National Narcotics Agency, Head of Kumla Diskumal section, Kasubdis Kumladater – Disgakkum Babinkum of IMSCB, Head of Investigation sub division Dit. P2 Immigration, Head of Forestry Development sub division in the Ministry of Forestry. Most of them were given the technical content about the knowledge of ship documents, the basic technique to investigate and secure the evidence, fisheries monitoring and law enforcement, the action and Treatment for the fishermen in the overlapping claim areas between RI – Malaysia, Documents and Treatment of Immigration crimes, and the Narcotics crimes treatment.

Furthermore, this event was conducted on 5 to 7 March 2014 which attended by 38 participants consisted of the captain, pilot, PPNS/Investigator, Staff of Operation/Law/Intelligence, and the encryption officer of Gurita Operation 38/14, OBST II/14 and Camar II/14.

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