Container Terminal At Priok Terminal Expanded


JAKARTA— PT Terminal Petikemas Indonesia, subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, II, III and IV, will expand container terminal in Tanjung Priok port to prepare ahead of Asean Economic Community in 2015.

President Director of PT Terminal Petikemas Indonesia Arif Suhartono said the expansion is carried out step by step. In the first step, the expansion is carried out in 2012-2017, while the second step will be carried out in 2018-2030. Through the expansion, Tanjung Priok port will have two goods terminals and seven container terminals.

Arif added the company has carried out a number of internal improvements to anticipate AEC 2015. “We have carried it out since 2010. The company has carried out lots of improvements, be it physical and non physical improvements, and reinforcement of performance,” he said on Monday (11/25).

He argued the improvements are very necessary since container flow in Tanjung Priok port increases significantly. The data released by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II or Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC) records the increase is between 500,000 TEUs per year – 800,000 TEUs per year during 2008-2012.

Arif also explained the prospect of stevedoring activity is still very bright along with the implementation of AEC 2015. Such a condition gets PT Terminal Peti kemas Indonesia not only to be serious in the matter of Tanjung Priok port, but also makes a series of great plans for other ports managed by SOEs.




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