New Progressive Tariff Insignificant To Reduce Dwelling Time


JAKARTA – The increase on progressive tariff for import containers at Tanjung Priok Port up to 250% does not significantly reduce dwelling time of containers at the port located in North Jakarta.

Chairman of Supply Chain Indonesia Setijadi said progressive tariff for import containers only contributes to decrease dwelling time by 3%.

According to him, in and out access of Tanjung Priok Port is the most important element to expedite the goods flow.

He explained progressive tariff for dwelling containers in Tanjung Priok Port will only reduce the dwelling time of cargo release component that encourages container owners to accelerate the exit of containers.

Setijadi sees the reduction in dwelling time should be followed by other effective measures, to improve performance of container terminal management, including the availability and operation of loading and unloading equipments.

“There should be improvements in coordination between the authorized owner of goods and the carrier fleet, as well as better coordination between the authorized owner of goods and Customs Clearance Services Employers,” he told Bisnis, Friday (1/31).

Setijadi also highlighted the need of some other measures, such as the optimization of 24 hours for 7 days service system, the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW), as well as effort to increase importers who are members of Prioritized Partner (MITA) lanes.

The MITA lane is a service mechanism and supervision of the release of imported goods given by the prioritized importer lane. It will directly issue Expenditure Warrant (SPPB) without physical inspection and document verification.

Besides dwelling time issue, Setijadi sees the various stakeholders need to speed up the flow and access to the port. Involving Police and the Jakarta Transportation Agency is important in order to expedite the flow of goods.

Setijadi said acceleration of transportation in the port area should be coupled with optimization of The Integrated Physical Examination (TPFT).

Another step is improvement of port accesibility by building a rail network from Pasoso Terminal to Tanjung Priok Port.

“If the government and all relevant parties are able to resolve this issue, then it will be a major breakthrough that has very significant effect for the efficiency of the logistics,” he added.

Less Appropriate

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Logistics Association (ALI) in a forum discussion assessing the progressive tariff for dwelling container is not appropriate to be applied now.

The association concluded the factors to ease the flow of containers cannot be realized. Infrastructure facilities must become the focus first, such as port roads. For example, depot access is still hampered, while the red line performance is uncertain.

Sekretaris Jenderal Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia (GINSI) Achmad Ridwan Tento mengatakan tarif progresif baru bisa memicu pengguna jasa pelabuhan tidak berlama menimbun barang.

Secretary General of the Association of Indonesian National Importers (GINSI) Achmad Ridwan Tento said the new progressive tariff could trigger port service users for not dwelling their containers for a longer time.

“By dwelling their goods in the port for a long time, the cost will be high enough for the importers. If we carefully see, the goods flow will be smooth,” he said.

He explained that they had approved the tariff-hike as it will be reducing dwelling time in Tanjung Priok Port.

“Dwelling time will be down, if only all relevant agencies which dealing with Customs and Duty, as well as Quarantine, can speed up the import administration, ” he said.

However, he’s not sure on the amount of the reduction in dwelling time, after the new progressive tariff is applied.

“Hopefully, the target can be around 3 days to 4 days, from 6 days, the current average dwelling time, ” he said.

During this time many port service users, especially importers piled their goods at Tanjung Priok Port.

“Last time, before Eid-ul Fitr, there are 3,000 containers were suspended and transferred to Marunda,” he explained.






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