Meeting of counter-piracy task forces


Commanders of international counter-piracy task forces, NATO Operation Ocean Shield, EU Naval Force – Operation Atalanta and Combined Maritime Force had a meeting on board of NATO flagship – ITS San Marco. The idea for this meeting is to exchange experience and to coordinate efforts against pirates.

There was a discussion about current situation and possible scenarios. The 3 counter-piracy task forces is trying to coordinate their efforts in order to be more effective.

Rear Adm. Natale., NATO Task Force (TF) Commander, announced “We did a lot. A decrease in piracy activity levels was difficult to imagine some years ago; reaching zero hijacks for almost one year was not foreseen; moreover, starting to work together with regional partners, involving independent deployers and getting their commitment to manage this threat, was unthinkable.

“We succeeded in all of this but these results need to be maintained and enhanced, always keeping in mind that there is no room for complacency” concluded Rear Adm. Natale, to sum up the meeting during the farewell between Commanders.






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