Marine to send its personnel to Ambalat


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Indonesian Marine Corps prepare its troops to be tasked at Ambalat, Sebatik Island, in East Kalimantan to guard Indonesian borders. “About 130 members of Marine Task Force of Ambalat XV and the Commander Captain Hendro Paat conduct pre-task exercise in Grati, Pasuruan,” the chief of the exercise Marine Major Nioko said on Wednesday.

The Marines, he said, had been briefed. “The briefings are about geographic and demographic condition, immigration, human rights and humanitarian laws, and international maritime law,” he said.

The Marines also learn about security situation, religions, culture, and language in Sebatik Island. He explained that the exercise was to prepare the troops for the combat and territorial operations.

“Ambalat XV Task Force is prepared to replace the Ambalat XIV Task Force,” he said. Ambalat Task Force is usually in duty for Indonesian borders with neighboring country for 8-12 months.


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