Longevity the 7th Anniversary of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board


The Chief Executive of IMSCB, the leaders of IMSCB, and the staffs were saluting the 7th Anniversary of IMSCB. IMSCB was created in 1972 through the joint decision of the Ministry of Defense and Security, Commander of the Indonesian Army, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, and Attorney General by the number; KEP/B/45/XII/1972;SK/901/M/1972; KEP.779/MK/III/12/1972; J.S.8/72/1;KEP-085/J.A/12/1972 about the establishment of Maritime Security Coordinating Board and Maritime Security Operation Implementation Command.

However, the changes in the governance and the development in the environment required IMSCB to make the readjustment in order to increase the coordination between the government institutions related to the maritime security. The idea of the recreation of Maritime Security Coordinating Board in order to replace the previous Institution (1972) was based on the decision of Ministry of Politics Legal and Security Affairs, No; Kep.05/Menko/Polkam/2/2003, thus, the establishment of the Group of Maritime Security and Law Enforcement Development Planning was created.

Moreover, through the seminar and several meeting coordination, on 29 December 2005 the President Decree was established No. 81 Year 2005 about Maritime Security Coordinating Board, thus it became the basis law of our organization.

Therefore, the head of IMSCB was the Ministry of Politics Legal and Security Affairs, whereas the first Chief Executive (2006 – 2008) was Former Vice Admiral Joko Sumaryono, the second was Former Vice Admiral Budhi Hardjo (2008-2010), the third was Former Vice Admiral Y.Didik Heru Purnomo (2010-2012). Currently, the chief executive was Vice Admiral Bambang Suwarto.



Source: http://bakorkamla.go.id/




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