JNE Prepares One Vessel In 2014


JAKARTA— Courier and logistics service company, PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir, will bring in at least one vessel next year as it plans to set up a subsidiary in transporter sector.

President Director of PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Johari Zein said the plan is to boost the efficiency of express courier and logistics services and to provide transporter service for the company’s business partners. “We still learn. It is a trial-and-error, we provide one-two vessels, the investment is not so big, after IPO, we will be more serious,” he said recently.

He does not want to reveal the investment for vessel purchase. He argued that JNE will be a holding company made up of some to-be subsidiaries. One of them is a transporter company to boost the company’s performance thoroughly.

The establishment of transporter company is a long term plan in integrating its whole services in boosting delivery efficiency and its performance. Another plan is to acquire printing company related to its intention to join tender of election ballot in the next several years.

As for next year, he said, JNE will only aim the position of distributor (sub contractor) of ballot. As for IPO plan, JNE sets to make it in 2016.

Until now, Johari said he is still discussing the plan with consultants. Besides, he also adjusts JNE’s financial system with the IPO plan. Nevertheless, for targeted proceeds or the amount orf shares released, it has yet to be decided.

The IPO proceed will be spent on boosting JNE’s logistics business, such as increasing the number of networks from the present 3,500 to 15,000 units. It will also have more warehouses and robotic system racks.

This year, it reaps IDR1.7 trillion, increasing from last year’s IDR1.2 trillion.

Johari sets that revenue can grow by 40% or IDR2.38 trillion next year, in line with the schedule of general election. In addition, JNE still relies on delivery service demand by online shop sector contributing up to 60% at present to the whole revenue.

Courier service still dominates its revenue, reaching up to 94% while logistics service, under the management of PT JNE Logistic has only contributed IDR100 billion.

10% of the revenue is contributed by branches in foreign countries such as in Singapore, Japan, and the Netherlands.

The company will also open two branches in Australia and Hong Kong. Next year, it will prepare JNE e-commerce, optimize mobile application, build 250 operational offices, and add outlets to 15,000 units all over the country.



Source: http://business.bisnis.com/




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