Jambi Builds Ujung Jabung Port


PALEMBANG— Jambi provincial administration’s plan to build Ujung Jabung port as the main infrastructure for the province’s economic activity is finally granted by the central government.

Governor of Jambi, Hasan Basri Agus, said, the port is part of construction of Ujung Jabung economic area. “The construction can be one of economic triggers to increase competitiveness of Jambi’s products,” he said on Tuesday (1/7).

He argued infrastructure is an important thing for economic progress of a province, particularly those supporting areal connectivity.

Jambi indeed has some big infrastructure projects to realize. Other than port, there are several important projects such as development of Sultan Thaha Syaifudin airport (STS), and railway connecting Ujung Jabung–Dumai–West Sumatra.

Sultan Thaha Syaifudin (STS) dan pembangunan rel kereta api yang menghubungkan Ujung Jabung–Dumai–Sumbar.

The provincial administration hopes that Ministry of Transportation can support the acceleration of Ujung Jabung port construction and development of STS airport by disbursing fund from State Budget and Expenditure. “Other than providing infrastructure, we also increase the economy in various sectors, such as micro and small entrepreneurs and agriculture sectors.”

Previously, the Minister said construction of Ujung Jabung port has been included in 2014 budget and also in revised budget. “Ujung Jabung must be a main port out of 14 ports in Jambi, 4 collecting ports and 10 feeder ports. Until now the province does not have a main port,” he said in a Special Session in Jambi’s House of Representatives, early this week.

Actually, he continued, the project had been included in 2013 budget, but the House of Representatives postponed it hence the disbursal was late. “The House then approved it inOctober but because of brief tender and construction, it is then included in 2014 budget,” he said.

Ujung Jabung port will be divided into three docks, namely cargo & passenger dock, crude palm oil dock, and coal dock.

The Ministry sets to complete construction in 2015 so the port can be of use soon. It will connect to Dumai port and Tanjung Api Api port in South Sumatra.




Source: http://business.bisnis.com/




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