ITF Complains Piracy At Malacca Strait.

In addition to loot the boatload the armed pirates also holding the crew and damaging communications equipment and boat engines, before they fled leaving the victim.

“They move so fast and the just leave. The piracy is very unsettling and harmful the shipping world and should immediately stopped,” said Hanafi Rustandi, Chairman of Asia Pacific International Transport worker’s Federation (ITF), Thursday (08/07/2014).

He explained that Malacca Strait which directly adjacent with three countries (Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore) is one of busiest shipping channels in the world which is crossed by international ships.

The high shipping intensity should be protected and saved from pirates.

Therefore, Hanafi said, the Malacca Strait security become the shared responsibility among the government of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.

The areas with piracy threat are the between Rupat (Indonesia) to Port Dickson (Malaysia), and the area between the Great Karimun islands, Kundur Island, Batam (Indonesia) to Singapore

Hanafi said Indonesian government should also increase the coordination and cooperation with Malaysia and Singapore to stop the piracy in Malacca Strait by increasing the sea patrol frequency. Those three countries have been in cooperation in securing the Malacca Strait.

However, the cooperation should be more intensive due to the increase of piracy at the busiest shipping channel in the world.

“The new Indonesia President should prioritize the security of Malacca strait because it is the artery of world trade, particularly for the benefit of Indonesia.

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