INSA Insists Land Transportation To Be Addressed


JAKARTA—Indonesia National Shipowners Association urged the logistics chain improvement not only in the sea and port, also on land, because the largest cost component is 70% in trucks.
“Based on the case study result, the shipping cost of 16 tons oranges from Palopo, South Sulawesi is IDR10.8 million. The largest cost component in two units’ rental trucks IDR8 million, the cost of container ship as much as IDR1.5 million and handling containers cost in port is IDR1.3 million. It means, the largest cost is truck,” said DPP INSA Chairman Carmelita, Sunday (3/24).
He added of the case study, the largest cost is for orange shipping use land transportation which reached 74%, then in through sea 14% and port 13%.
Therefore, to improve competitiveness and reduce national logistics cost needs to be done comprehensively by looking at logistics chain both in land and sea





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