Indonesian minister criticises Tanjung Priok port congestion


Indonesian Vice-Finance Minister Mahendra Siregar has joined the chorus of detractors of the country’s main Tanjung Priok port, saying that without a “breakthrough” it would be difficult to ease container traffic, according to local reports.

He added that despite recently signed agreements to move “long stay” containers out of the port to free up space, the problem of congestion remained because moving the containers was difficult because of traffic congestion on the access roads.

The agreements with some 14 business entities earlier this month sought to move 4,500 containers with “long stay” status to Marunda, about 9 km away, and Cikarang an industrial centre 35 km from Jakarta in West Java. It was hoped the measure would cut yard occupancy to 85% from the current level of around 100%.

Mahendra noted that Indonesia’s dwelling time of up to 14 days was a long way from the average dwelling time of one-and-a-half days in Singapore.




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