Fish Price Increases Due to Moratorium Effect

JAKARTA – Fishing vessel moratorium and transshipment prohibition has lowered fish supply in market. Consequently, the price of several fishery products increases.

Amril, Balikpapan Collecting and Shipping Fisherman Group Chairman, said vessel moratorium and transshipment prohibition aim to increase fish supply in the country. However, the realization is contrary with the reality in the field.

As we know, vessel moratorium policy is regulated in Maritime and Fishery Minister Regulation No. 56/PERMEN-KP/2014 about Captured Fishery Business Permit Temporary Halt in Indonesian Fishery Management Area.

Meanwhile, transshipment prohibition is regulated in Maritime and Fishery Minister Regulation No. 57/PERMEN- KP/2014 about Captured Fishery Business in Indonesia Fishery Management Area.

According to Amril, in Balikpapan and Samarinda, everyday fish need reaches 80 tons. However, since the implementation both policies, the supply lowers to only 20%. “Fishes in market also decrease,” Amril said on Wednesday (12/11).

Consequently, fish price increases. There are several fishes whose prices increase due to limited supply such as flying fish increases from IDR 10,000 per kilogram to IDR 20,000 per kilogram. Mackerel also increases from IDR 10,000 per kg to IDR 20,000 per kg.

The decreasing supply is caused by no fish supply from Javanese big purseine fishermen. So far, the fishermen in Balikpapan and Samarinda only operate 6 to 29-GT vessels so its sailing range is limited.

Letter of Objection

Transshipment prohibition not only gives impact to big vessels with more than 30-GT capacity but also to small vessels partnering with shipping vessels like which in Balikpapan and Samarinda.

So far, the number of vessel in Balikpapan and Samarinda is 442 units. From the number, the operated vessels are only 20% since the others have no Operational Permit (SLO).

Indonesian Fisherman Association (HNSI) Central Executive Board Chairman, Yussuf Solichien, said the impact of both regulations implementation has been spread. Therefore, HNSI with others fishery associations has proposed objection letter to Maritime and Fishery Minister over the policy.

According to Yusuf, related with fishing vessel moratorium, his office expected that Maritime and Fishery Ministry immediately conducts verification and gives fishing permit without having to wait for moratorium end in Aril 30th.

Meanwhile, related with transshipment issue, Yusuf expected the government to be wiser. “To kill a mouse in a paddy barn, we do not need to burn the barn but we can do other methods,” Yusuf said.

With the current technology, detecting vessels violating rules can use Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). If the vessels violate regulations, it can be directly dealt with.

Indonesia Tuna Association (Astuin) Deputy Chairman, Eddy Yuwono, said if transshipment is not allowed, fishermen cannot reach far waters. Vessels only sail around the coast since it must calculate high fuel cost. (Kontan)

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