Berlian Tanker Must Pay The Management Of IDR19,5 Billion


JAKARTA: Judge sets compensation for PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk management amounting to IDR19,5 billion following debt restructuring work in the marine transportation company.

Chairman of Judges Panel Dwi Sugiarto determinate the compensation based on working hours of three officials namely Andrey Sitanggang, Muhammad Ismak, and Titik Iranawati.

“Determining compensation for the three administrators as much as IDR19.5 billion and the cost of IDR154 million,” said Dwi, Tuesday (03/26).

The judges decision was referring to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Decree No. 1 year 2013 on Bankruptcy and Delay Debt Settlement Obligation (PKPU) Article 4 paragraph 1 regarding board compensation.

The BLTA-coded company payment must no longer than 260 days with compensation as much as IDR25 million per day multiplied by the three staffs.

In addition to compensation, the judge also set PKPU fee that should be paid by debtor at IDR154 million. Costs, among others, used in creditors meetings in a span of 260 days.





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