Bakorkamla Cooperated with Kohanudnas


Indonesian Security Coordinating Board (Bakorkamla) collaborated with Popunas Kohanudnas. The collaboration was created for an examination of the Bakorkamla’s staff related to the protap and respond of the command centre. The visited to Popunas (Kohanudnas) on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 was lead by the Maritime Colonel Dodi Fernando ‘head of the operation strategy division’, Maritime Colonel L.Sianipar accompanied by Maritime Lieutenant Colonel Arief Meidyanto ‘head of the system and information sub division’ , and also the staffs from the command centre ‘Maritime First Lieutenant Fery Haryanto, First Lieutenant Ibnu Mufid, Second Lieutenant Dikki Triwasananda and Y.M.V Niko D.S.

Moreover, the visitation to Popunas Kohanudnas was welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel Jhonny Sumaryana, SE and Major Lek Joko Dwi Maryanto ‘head of the operation strategy’. In this occasion, the leader of Popunas explained about the mission and functions of Kohanudnas, also about the machines’ operation owned by Popunas.

Materi pelatihan yang akan diberikan dalam pelatihan staf Bakorkamla antaralain tentang Intergrasi Radar Udara yang dimilki oleh Popunas dan Identifikasi objek radar. Ke depan pelatihan ini akan dikuti bukan hanya personel dari Pusat (Jakarta) saja, melainkan akan diikuti oleh personel Bakorkamla yang bertugas di daerah. Melalui kerja sama dengan Popunas dalam hal Pelatihan Staf Bakorkamla, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan personel Bakorkamla baik yang di pusat maupun daerah.

Furthermore, the assessment given in the examination was about the radar integration and object identification. In the future, the examination would not only followed by the central personnel but also the personnel from all over Bakorkamla’s division. Thus, through the cooperation in terms of ‘staff examination’ was hoped to develop the skills of the Bakorkamla’s personnel both in the central and in the district.







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