Asylum seekers detained in Merauke


Nine asylum seekers from Sudan are in custody at the Merauke Immigration Office after they were picked up by the Navy in Merauke, Papua, on Monday.

It remains unclear how the Sudanese citizens arrived in Merauke because they have lost all their documents.

“They said the documents were lost when their boat sank,” Merauke Immigration Office chief Zul Sianturi said on Tuesday.

Merauke Navy base commander Brig. Gen. Heri Setiadi told reporters in Merauke on Monday that nine Sudanese citizens reported to the Navy’s observation post on Aug.14 after their boat sank in Torasi waters.

He said the illegal immigrants were en route to Australia to seek asylum when their speedboat sank in waters off Blego Island in Papua New Guinea.

According to the detainees, the boat had 23 passengers. “However, the remaining 14 passengers are still missing,” said Heri.






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