ASDP Revenue Target Hampered As The Ships Licenses Still Pending


JAKARTA – PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry may not achieve its revenue target in 2014 of IDR2.1 trillion if three units of ships brought in 2013 are not operating soon.

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Public relation Manager Anis Adi Nizam said the three crossing ships are called Portlink 3, 5, and 7.

He said the ships were brought in October 2013 and it is planned that two ships will be placed in the commercial route of Merak harbor of Banten while the other ship will be placed at Sibolga harbor of North Sumatra.

“We are wondering why we still have not obtained the ships operating licenses from the Transportation Ministry where in fact we have completed all requirements,” he said, Sunday (2/2/2014).

If the condition continues, he was worried that the company’s revenue target would slump.

Along this year, he said, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry is targeting to reap revenue of IDR2,1 trillion or increases by 26% compared with the acquisition in 2013.

In order to spur the revenue, the company will bring another four units of roll on-roll (Ro-ro) ships this year with the capital expenditure of IDR600 billion.

Although the ships are not new, he said they still have good quality and performance.

He said the company prefers Korean or Japanese ships since the types, climate condition, as well as the harbors are not way different with Indonesian’s.

“It takes only a little customization before the sips are used. We had an experience in bringing European ships that required modification to meet our country’s condition,” he asserted.

According to him, the four ships will have been arrived prior Idul Fitri of 2014.

Yet, he still could not assure the operation route for it has to wait the licenses issuance from Transportation Ministry.



Meanwhile, the Director General of Land Transportation at the Transportation Ministry Suroyo Alimoeso was reluctant to inform the licensing process on the three ships.

In fact, he firmly said that PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry should not carelessly bring ships without prior principle licenses.

This is because the fleet additional should consider supply and demand factors so that there will not be a friction caused in the future.

According to him, the principle licenses are required to see the route number before the ships are brought so that their existence would not disturb other ships. Any disturbance in the traffic could cause claims since the tracks are commercial to any ship.

Other than route matter, the principle licenses also clearly arrange types of jetty required for the upcoming ships. For this, he was questioning again the company’s business plan by bringing the three ships.

The information as compiled by Directorate General of land Transportation at the Transportation Ministry mentioned that among the three ships, it was only Portlink 3 which has been examined.

From the examination, there were still found several requirements regarding safety which need to be completed.

Previously, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry had had loss due to the closure of crossing track in nine harbors in Indonesia.

The nine harbors which have been closed since March 13, 2014 are Sape of West Nusa Tenggara, Selayar of South Sulawesi, Bitung of North Sulawesi, Jepara of Central Java, Tual of Maluku, Batulicin of South Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, Baubau of Southeast Sulawesi, and Kupang of East Nusa Tenggara.






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