Argentina Anticipates Arrested Ship’s Homecoming


This afternoon, Argentine frigate ARA Libertad will arrive at the Naval Base Mar del Plata, located in the city’s port, where it will be received by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

The training ship returns to Argentina after 21 days at sea, after the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea ordered its immediate release from the port of Ghana, where it had been held.

The Defense Ministry reported that the ARA Libertad crossed the lateral maritime boundary and entered Argentina jurisdictional waters on Monday. Early Sunday evening, on their way through Uruguay, the naval ship received the traditional ceremonial greeting of the frigate URUGUAY, which also escorted the Libertad in the Rio de la Plata.  At the time, the frigate, thence due west to 7.5 knots.

Also attending the vessel’s long-awaited arrival is Argentina’s Defense Minister Arturo Puricelli, the chiefs of the armed forces, the national cabinet, and family of midshipmen and sailors on board, among other guests.





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