Courtesy Call of IMSCB’s Chief Executive to Indonesian Embassy in Moscow

Tuesday, 18 February 2014, the Chief Executive of IMSCB ‘’Vice Admiral Bambang Suwarto’’ conducted a courtesy call into the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow, Russia. On that occasion, the chief was accompanied by the Secretary of IMSCB ‘’Dr.IR. Dicky R. Munaf’’ and the Head of System and Technology management sub division ‘’Maritime Lieutenant Colonel Arief Meidyanto’’ and the Head of Operation Policy Evaluation ‘’Maritime Major Dwi Kardono, SAP., S.Sos., MA’’. The courtesy was directly welcomed by the Ambassador ‘’Drs. Djauhari Oratmangun and the Indonesian Marine Attaché ‘’Maritime Colonel Akmal Quddus’’.

Thus, the Chief conveyed that the purposed was to improve the infrastructures of IMSCB especially the long range radar ‘’Over The Horizon’’ (OTH) that has the range approximately 400 kilometers. Thus, the radar would be placed at the RCC of IMSCB. Moreover, it also aimed for the development of the human recourses by joining the Russian Naval Academy regarding to the Early Warning System according to the President Regulation No. 39 year 2013 related to RKP 2014, particularly chapter VII article 5 about the establishment of Maritime Security Board using EWS as the basis.

The Chief also explained about the information sharing with Indonesian Embassy in Moscow related to the Indonesian crews who sailed in the foreign ships and encountered with many problems in Russian territory. Moreover, the ambassador explained that both the Russian and Indonesian government were giving their best attention in the bilateral cooperation. Obviously, the cooperation have shown a significant development on the last decades, especially, in politics, economy, cultures, and security defense. At the end, the Chief submitted a figures for the ambassador.–courtesy-call-of-imscbs-chief-executive-to-indonesian-embassy-in-moscow-

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