Papuan Waters Security Sees Low Coordination

JAYAPURA, Kompas – The coordination to secure Papuan waters with police is really low. The condition makes maritime resources in Indonesia’s easternmost region prone to be illegal fishing target by foreign vessels. It was delivered by Papua Maritime and Fishery Department Head, Frengky Wally, in Jayapura on Tuesday (1/6).

According to the data compiled by the department’s Captured and Cultured Fishery Division, illegal fishing occurs in two regencies at southern Papuan waters namely Merauke and Mimika. The fishes illegally captured are snapper, grouper, shrimp, and tuna.

17,000 tons of maritime resources in both regencies are illegally captured along 2014. 100 vessels are detected to enter the waters of both regencies.

However, law enforcement efforts to prevent illegal fishing in Papua have not run optimally, for example in Papua Police’s report by the end of 2014, the number of illegal fishing case is nil.

“Along 2014, joint patrol activity by Papuan Water Police is only conducted for two days. The activity only occurs in Jayapura. Whereas, illegal fishing case mostly occurs in southern Papuan waters. The countries often entering the waters are allegedly from China and Vietnam,” Frengky said.

Frengky said Papua Police is obligated to improve cooperation with his office for Papuan water surveillance in 2015. “Based on the instruction from Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti to prevent illegal fishing case, we have provided a patrol vessel capable of being operated up to 22 kilometers,” he said.

Upon confirmation, Papua Police Spokesman, Comm. Patrige Renwarin, said his office has prepared some efforts to improve water police’s performance in this year.

“Actually, last year, we used to deal with an illegal fishing case in Merauke. However, the case was taken over by local precinct police. We have also relocated our patrol vessel from Sorong to Timika. The vessel will be operated until Merauke to monitor the waters,” he said.

Patrige said his office will do operation exceeding 22 kilometers if it spots illegal fishermen entering Papuan waters. “Actually, the party having authority to detain illegal fishermen outside 22-kilometer range is Indonesian navy and KP Ministry. However, we will also detain the doers and bring them to the institutions,” he said.

Southern Papua is also the part of Arafura Sea. The water is targeted by fishermen using the vessels whose capacity is 150-200 GT. The area is the meeting of cold current from Australia and hot current from Pacific Ocean. (Kompas)

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