• AUGUST 7, 2014
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    Kendal Port To Operate In 2015

    KENDAL – Kendal port for crossing facility would be operated in early 2015 while waiting for the licensing issuance by Ministry of Transportation which is still in progress. Up to this moment, there is still the dredging for the pond and break water maintenance which may be completed at end of 2014. Head of Indonesian

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    • AUGUST 6, 2014
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    GIANT PROJECT: Egypt To Dig New Suez Canal

    CAIRO—Egypt is planning to build a new Suez Canal alongside the near-145 year-old historic waterway in a multi-billion dollar project aimed at expanding trade along the fastest shipping route between Europe and Asia. “This giant project will be the creation of a new Suez Canal parallel to the current channel of a total length of

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    • AUGUST 6, 2014
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    JICT Records The Highest Productivity For Stevedoring

    JAKARTA – PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) managed to record the highest productivity on international containers stevedoring with 192 moves per hour. The achievement was made after the company serves the stevedoring activity for MV Northern Genius which has leant on Terminal 1 JICT since Monday (8/4/2014). President Director of JICT Albert Pang said

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    • AUGUST 6, 2014
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    China To Build More LNG Tankers In High-Tech Push

    Chinese shipyards are aiming to take some $10 billion in orders for new LNG tankers over the rest of the decade, part of a plan to restructure the country’s ailing shipbuilding sector and secure China’s energy supply chain. The push to build its own natural gas delivery vessels will boost China’s capability in high-tech ships

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    • AUGUST 6, 2014
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    Product Tanker Released After Probable Cargo Theft

    Dryad Maritime’s Ian Millen analyzed this “good news, bad news” situation for us: On Sunday, we heard the good news of the release of Hai Soon 6, following its hijack on 25th July off Ghana. Not long after this news from the IMB, Dryad relocated the vessel in exactly the place we expected – off

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    • AUGUST 6, 2014
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    Nelayan Dukung Pembatasan Solar Bersubsidi

    JAKARTA – Kesatuan Nelayan Tradisional Indonesia (KTNI) mendukung kebijakan pemerintah yang membatasi pemakaian solar bersubsidi di stasiun pengisian bahan bakar nelayan (SPBN) dan solar packed diesel nelayan (SPDN). Selama ini memang ada indikasi solar bersubsidi justru digunakan oleh pemilik kapan di atas 30 GT (gross tonnage). Ketua Dewan Pembina KTNI Riza Damanik mengatakan, pihaknya mendukung

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    • AUGUST 6, 2014
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    Cuaca Buruk Ganggu Pelayaran

    JAKARTA – Cuaca buruk telah mengganggu kegiatan pelayaran, seperti keberangkatan KM Dharma Kartika III dari Pelabuhan Sampit Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, menuju Surabaya, terpaksa ditunda, karena gelombang laut tinggi. Demikian pula, jalur penyeberangan dari Pelabuhan Sampalan, Nusa Penida, menuju Kusamba, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali, ditutup. “Kami sudah memanggil pihak kapal untuk mempertimbangkan agar tidak berlayar,

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